Hopefully, I've done a good job at introducing the mechanics through the levels, but in case not keep reading.


  • Main menu: ESC
  • Restart level: SPACE or R
  • Next level: ENTER or RIGHT ARROW
  • Previous level: BACKSPACE or LEFT ARROW
  • Volume: Click and drag the 3 icons on the main menu, clicking on the bar doesn't work, I cannot fix this bug in time


To win a level, the number and color of shapes on the black area must be the same as those on the white area, their size do not matter,

  • eg. 1 red + 1 blue on the black and 1 red + 1 blue on the white
  • The screen will fade when it is correct and go to the next level

Shapes change scale when the mouse cursor is near:

  • on the black they grow
  • on the white they shrink.

In some levels, you can click to leave an area that scales shapes, that will be shown as a small square in the center of the screen:

  • A small white square in the black area: you can drop a scale up in the black area
  • A small black square in the white area: you can drop a scale down in the white area


Updated 26 days ago
TagsColorful, Relaxing


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Really fun concept and nice visuals, I liked how the visual distortion effect directly affected the gameplay. Great job!

Thanks :-)